QUEENS: A group of four attacked two women inside a movie theater in Queens on July 5, police said on Wednesday.
The two victims, 33 and 29, had a dispute with two men and two women while watching a movie inside the College Point Multiplex Cinemas at around 7 p.m., according to authorities. After the movie ended, the group approached the victims and first attacked the 33-year-old woman, punching and kicking her in the head. One of the suspects also took her phone, police said. The other victim was also punched during the scuffle.More Queens News
The group fled the scene, leaving the older victim with non-life-threatening head injuries and the other victim with minor injuries, officials said. The former was taken to a hospital for treatment.
Police asked for help from the public in finding the suspects, who were described as being in their 20s. The NYPD released surveillance footage of the group.
By AJ Jondonero [PIX11]