QUEENS: A mother standing outside with her two young children, ages 2 and 5, was injured in a drive-by shooting in Queens on Friday night, police and sources said.
The baby was inside a stroller when a shooter opened fire from a black Acura MDX just before 6:45 p.m., striking the 28-year-old woman and a 44-year-old man who were with the children in front of 1502 Mott Avenue in Far Rockaway, police said.
The woman was hit twice in the back and once in the arm, while the man suffered a gunshot wound to the left arm, police and sources said.
Police said the children were not injured.
The vehicle then fled southbound on Mott Avenue, according to police.
Both victims suffered non-life-threatening injuries and were taken to Jamaica Hospital by EMS, cops said.
It wasn’t immediately clear what the relationship was, if any, between the two victims.
No suspects have been identified and no arrests have been made.
By Joe Marino, Larry Celona and Patrick Reilly [NYPOST]