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Video: Staten Island NYC Bodega Worker Beaten With Glass Bottle, Choked Unconscious

STATEN ISLAND: A video of a Staten Island robbery shows an attacker beat a bodega employee to unconsciousness before stealing $2,000, police said.

A robber bludgeoned a Staten Island bodega worker over the head with a glass bottle before choking him to unconsciousness, police said.

The violent May 10 robbery, in which the still-unidentified attacker stole $2,000 from a cash register, was captured in a shocking surveillance video released by NYPD officials.

The video shows a man, 54, working behind the counter at a bodega along Victory Boulevard near Cebra Avenue before he’s charged by a sweatshirt-wearing assailant.

The attacker repeatedly strikes the worker over the head while the pair wrestle and fight behind the counter, the video shows. The footage ends with the worker slumping to the ground while the assailant stands over him.

Police said the robber had choked the worker to unconsciousness. The suspect ran off with $2,000 in cash from the register, authorities said.

The worker regained consciousness shortly after the attack and sought medical help, police said. Medics took him to Richmond University Medical Center, where he was in stable condition and received treatment for cuts on his head, authorities said.

Police are looking for help identifying the suspect.

By Matt Troutman [Patch]

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